What is the reason for driving forward while looking in the rear view mirror?
May you have a nice life while continuing to forget your JW past.
i'm up to date with what the wt taught in 2006 but have no idea what has changed since.. do tell..
What is the reason for driving forward while looking in the rear view mirror?
May you have a nice life while continuing to forget your JW past.
the watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
Overall, the article sounds like a bit of an apology for screwing up so many lives with their end of times previous predictions.
apology accepted, on my part. Now, I shall carry on with whatever life plans.
a fresno man is facing murder charges in court this week for the shooting death of a jehovahs witness who later died after refusing a blood transfusion.. according to police, quevedo and silva argued over over gang membership with quevedo returning later in the evening to shoot silva through the security door at his home.. silva reportedly told a fresno police officer jehovah, jehovah, im dying, im dying, as he was taken to a hospital where he died during surgery after refusing a blood transfusion because he was a jehovahs witness.. it is the belief of many jehovahs witnesses that it is against gods will to have a blood transfusion.. according to defense attorney antonio alvarez, quevedo should not have been charged with murder because silva refused a transfusion that could have saved his life.. prosecutor gabriel brickey disagrees and will call fresno county pathologist michael chambliss to testify that, even if silva had received the transfusion, he would have died because one bullet hit a a major vein.. quevedo has already served time in prison for felony battery and theft and was on supervised release when he was arrested for shooting silva.. if convicted of murder he would face life in prison.. original story with suspect picture can be found here: fresno shooting.
Arguing over gang membership?! Not putting into practice what was being taught at the KH!
Well, there is the result.
Look up "George Carlin 10 commandments" and watch.
I tend to agree with it.
have you read about this freak who molested his family, the parents, church and a police officer covered up this scandal because of all the money!.
"posted may 21 2015 6:51 pm edt.
I have said plenty of times before, it happens in any group people, and in ALL religions for sure. If a family/extended family is large enough, there is usually a molester or two.
We just happen to think it is more of a JW problem because it is what we know, but it is really EVERYWHERE!
Welcome to this board.
Try to sit comfortably, please take a deep breath... Release. Repeat exercise 5 times. Document how it has helped your immediate mood/emotions.
Your 15 year old hormones are raging like mad at this point and no kind of decision should be considered under these circumstances. Not everyone at the KH is not "mean and judgmental".
Concentrating and accentuating the positive stuff in your life will get you through your crazy hormonal adjusting teenage years with sanity.
Welcome to this board. Navigate it very carefully.
i am sort of new here, used a different username for a while but things got 'difficult' at home so i've since been lurking.... what i would be really interested to know, if you don't mind sharing, is what it was that triggered your doubts and initial research which led to awakening, was it a bad experience, injustice, changed doctrine?
for me, it was seeing mistreatment of young ones in the congregation, they're under so much pressure and as soon as they go even slightly astray they are shunned, either informally (as bad associations which pushes them further into the 'world') or formally - with elders dying to throw the book at them so they even lose their family.... ...then reading about child abuse issues in the press.... ...which led me to silentlambs.
...then jw facts, this forum and coc, wham!
The 'Generation' flip-flop/adjustment really did it for me. I knew then they had to be pulling this crap out of their assess just to accommodate their failed prophesies.
If not for the loss of close friends and relatives, I would be far gone physically as I am mentally/emotionally from these charlatans.
last night at the meeting we watched the "jehovah will help you be bold" video.
just another piece of propaganda to get children to recruit other children.
i was just reading another thread discussing the other video (where they guilt trip kids to give money) and i recalled a something from the video we watched last night.
Well, it is nothing new. Everyone peddles their thing. In school, they indoctrinate patriotism, holidays stuff, etc.; it is only natural that this Org want to influence everybody across the board, not only the adults.
I know of some adult JWs that do not show these videos to their kids because they are too heavy on their psyche being so small and impressionable. They have openly expressed it that, unless they see it at the KH, they will not let them see it.
Heavy indoctrination like this is what gets mere children wanting to enter such a heavy burden like baptism.
I applaud those type of parents.
in the past i have read on this forum that the wt have a say in the "bedroom" of couples.
i thought that was a bit overkill at first, but recently i have come to conclusion that this is true.. the control administered by the wt cooperation on ones sex life is not on only intrusive, its damaging.
they control every aspect of ones thought and action, thus leading most down a path that said corporation wants them to tread.. this path is to get married young, and then eternal loyalty the the organisation.. so how can an organisation force you to get married young?.
By my experience in the Spanish JW community I can honestly say this is pure bs. I have been married for decades and have never experienced this type of intrusion in mine or any other couple's private intimate life. Lies, lies, lies in this regard.
One has to keep intimate stuff private. The Org has no business in mine or anybody else's bedroom.
Outside of adultery or fornication, enjoy sexual pleasures so that marriage is as much fun as possible!
after leaving the organisation 10 years ago i fought with everything i had to stay in my marriage and with my three children.
after a tumultuous number of years trying to maintain a happy family life while living in a divided home, it's finally over.
the religion is single handedly responsible for destroying my marriage and my family.
Continue to be a good father and do not give the JWs reason to believe they were right by you ruining your life now that you have left the Org.
Provide a good example and in time your children will follow.